RS-6 Orange Polyester Round SlingAWR #1300-1520 • MFR #RS68

WLL: Vertical: 16,800# | Choker: 13,400# | Basket: 33,600#

by Arctic Wire Rope and Supply

  • Working load limit: 16,800# Vertical, 13,400# Choker, 33,600# Basket Hitch
  • Double wall jacket for better wear & protection of the inner yarns
  • Made in the USA with leather ID tags
  • Other lengths & multi-leg bridels can be made to order
  • Great for choke & basket hitches as the double legs can be spread
  • Endless design allows changing up the bite and wear points
You Pay:

$ 87.32

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Expert Customer Serivce (907) 562-0707 M-F 8am-5pm in Alaska M-F 9am-6pm PST

Made in the USA with US products! The twin walled jacket helps protect the yarns, unlike most Asian import which are single jacket. Even if you cut open the outer layer the sling can still be used as the yarns are still protected by the inner jacket. Comes with a leather tag showing capacity in the three hitches, V=vertical, C=choker, B=basket. A serial or certification number along with the date of manufacture is also on the tag. A separate warning tag goes over the proper use and removal from service criteria is also attached. A larger paper sheet going over more safety issues is sent with each sling.


Arctic Wire, Rope & Supply focuses on high quality products made in the USA.
We are one of the largest distributors in the Pacific Northwest of Crosby Products, Bridon American Wire Rope, Continental Western Cordage & Rope and Laclede Chain. We have nation-wide shipping options for all products

What We Do-

Arctic Wire Rope and Supply is Alaska's longest established and largest manufacturer of slings, chokers and bridles made of wire rope, cable, nylon web, polyester round and grade 10 chain. We do it all right here in Anchorage and were awarded the Alaskan Manufacturer of the Year in 2006.